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If you believe in the Art Bank’s mission and its importance for Acadia, we encourage you to give generously to the work of Nation Prospère Acadie. Your financial support will enable us to preserve, restore and showcase this Acadian artistic heritage for present and future generations.


Different ways to donate

We accept donations by mail (cheques) and by Interac transfer. You can also make a secured credit card donation on this site by clicking on the link presented on this page. An official receipt for income tax purposes will be sent to you by Canadahelps, the organisation that provides this service for us (chose the “Acadian Folk Art Bank” fund).

By Mail: (cheque in the name of “Nation Prospère Acadie”)

Nation Prospère Acadie, P.O. Box 2121, Bouctouche, NB E4S 2J2


By Interac Transfer:

By Credit Card:

$25, $50, $100, $500, $1000
(Click here for Credit Card donation)

Otherwise, we invite you to contact us with your desire to contribute to the success of Nation Prospère Acadie's work.

Faire un don

Donate an artwork

The acquisition program of the Banque d'art populaire de l'Acadie aims to preserve and showcase collections of high quality Acadian artistic works. It is directed by a jury made up of the Administrator, the Director of Collections, the BAPA's Guest Curator, as well as heritage experts and guest collectors. The main objectives of the acquisitions program are as follows:

  • Promote excellence through the acquisition of high quality Acadian art. 

  • Make the collections accessible to the public, by exhibiting them in public places, educational facilities and significant heritage sites in Atlantic Canada's Acadian regions.

  • Make the collection accessible for educational purposes.


The main criterion for the acquisition of works of art is excellence. New acquisitions must reflect the creativity and know-how of Acadian artists. Given that the Banque d'art populaire acadien is an active collection and that works are on display at all times, new acquisitions must meet the following criteria:

  1. State: New acquisitions should reflect excellence and ideally be of the highest quality. 

  2. Dimensions: Acquisitions should be suitable for display in reception areas, offices and conference rooms in public buildings. 

  3. Weight: As works may be moved frequently, the weight should not exceed what two people can carry. 

  4. Art Forms and Means of Artistic Expression: Eligible works of art are popular art forms that must lend themselves well to an active collection.

Documentation to accompany the proposal:

  • Well identified digital images. No paper photographs.

  • Information on the artist, subject and history of the work (if available).

  • Dimensions and other relevant details describing the work.


* Please note that viewing images of the artwork is an important part of the jury's evaluation process. Donors are therefore strongly encouraged to submit quality images of their artwork and to ensure that they are adequately informed.

If you are in possession of high quality Acadian heritage artwork and would like to donate it, please contact us here.

Collection Maurice5.jpg


Nation Prospère and the Banque d'art populaire acadien project team wish to extend their most sincere thanks to the many donors who enable us to carry out our work of preserving and showcasing Acadian artistic heritage. We wish to acknowledge here some of these generous donors

Restoration Project
Rideau de scène de la Déportation
(Édouard Gautreau, 1931)

$5000 and above

Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation


$1000 and above
In memory of Alberta Gaudet
Jean J. Gaudet 

$500 and above

Mathieu Gérard Caissie  
Bell McGrath, Avocats/Lawyers  
Mark Robere, Avocat/Lawyer

Enseignante à la retraite 
Louis et Maria LeBlanc   

Daniel et Vanessa LeBlanc 

Dianne Bourgeois-Van Dommelen


$100 and above

Claude Léger
Jean-Loup Guérin
O.C. Maillet Transport 

Grégoire et Elsie DesLauriers
Dolores Breau

Bernard Richard
Louise Imbeault
Rachel Daigle 

Roger Savoie
Léona Belliveau 


© 2020-2025 Nation Prospère Acadie. Tous droits réservés.

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